Thursday, 7 December 2006

A View from the Lake...

For no other reason than the fact I have absolutely nothing interesting to talk about, I thought I'd write a review of an excellent small press novel I read recently.

A View from the Lake is a dark literary novel that brings a different and much needed quality to the horror genre. It weaves the tale of Katherine who along with her husband James runs the small lakeside resort of Blissful Point. Their peaceful existence is shattered when James struggles to come to terms with the death of a young boy who is found floating in the lake. James’s dark descent into madness is followed helplessly by his wife Katherine until, one day, he simply disappears.
The following winter and Katherine is preparing to leave the resort, but when she glimpses strange figures out on the lake, or in the snow covered woods, she knows the lake holds a dark and terrible secret.
This book is a beautifully written and haunting tale, rife with emotion and eloquent prose. Gifune has a gift for atmosphere and the use of a lonely lakeside resort in the dead of winter, really draws the reader in. This book shies away from the gore and three-word-sentences of most modern horror and leaves a long lasting impression of dread. It is a book to be savoured from a criminally under rated author who is sure to start appearing on horror fan’s radars very shortly. Highly Recommended.

Available from $12.95


Steven J. Dines said...

I came across A View from the Lake on Project Pulp a while back and was seriously tempted by the fantastic cover. Now, on the back of your recommendation, I may actually buy it.

I see you're intending to read The Lost by Jack Ketchum. I'm a big fan of his work. Very overlooked writer, like myself, lol. If you haven't, take a look at The Girl Next Door - one of the most powerful novels I've ever read. It's in my Top Five favourite reads. You'll thank me later.

I'll add a link to your blog on mine. Keep it up.


Rich said...

Hi Steven,

I think you will really enjoy A View from the Lake, it does match up to the striking cover. The reason i liked it so much, is because its miles away from that Laymon/Koontz style which dominates the book shelves. Their both good writers but its healthy to have something different.

The Girl Next Door was the first Jack Ketchum novel I read and it completely blew me away. It is the most brutal and uncomprimising novel I ever read. When Bloomin told me about Pervalism I reccomended AGND to her.

Have a read of the preview for his novella/chapbook Weed Species which Jack himself says is the hardest thing he has ever written. You can check it here:

I've added a link to your blog aswell and I look forward to reading more of your stories.
